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Theory is an essential guide in the search for new knowledge. This philosophy is alive in neurosciences, yet a theory of the mind is in its infancy, and much work lies ahead. To become a leader in this space, the Grossman Center for Quantitative Biology and Human Behavior aims to build, harness, and focus on academic excellence across the scientific disciplines at the University of Chicago. Computational techniques provide essential tools that organize and interpret vast neuroscience datasets and provide theoretical frameworks that bridge diverse scales of inquiry, from synapses and neurons found in all animals to the cognitive power of the human mind.

The Grossman Center will develop and expand cutting-edge quantitative methods poised to probe the nervous system and foster deep collaborations with experimental groups to test emerging theories of the brain. To accomplish this, the Grossman Center will house a team of world-class computational scientists that act as a nexus for the quantitative thought about the brain spanning the divisions and departments across the University of Chicago. 

Brent Doiron
Director of the Grossman Center for Quantitative Biology and Human Behavior, and Professor, Departments of Neurobiology and Statistics
Jorge Jaramillo
Assistant Professor of Neurobiology
Ramon Nogueira
Assistant Professor of Neurobiology
Stephanie Palmer
Associate Professor of Organismal Biology and Anatomy
venn diagram

Unraveling the mysteries of the brain is one of the grand scientific challenges of our time. True progress will require an unprecedented academic 'melting pot' that integrates traditions across the sciences.

Brent Doiron, PhD
Director, Grossman Center for Quantitative Biology and Human Behavior
The Grossman Center Executive Committee
Brent Doiron, PhD
Director of the Grossman Center for Quantitative Biology and Human Behavior, and Professor, Departments of Neurobiology and Statistics
Yali Amit, PhD
Professor of Statistics and Computer Science
Ruth Anne Eatock, PhD
Professor of Neurobiology
David Freedman, PhD
Stahl Professor and Chair, Department of Neurobiology
Peter Littlewood, PhD
Professor and Chair, Department of Physics
John Maunsell, PhD
Albert D. Lasker Professor of Neurobiology, Director, Neuroscience Institute
Stephanie Palmer, PhD
Associate Professor of Organismal Biology and Anatomy

How to Find Us: 

5812 South Ellis Ave, Surgery Brain Research Institute, 4th Floor
Take a right out of the elevator. Reception is room J470.
if you need assistance, please give us a call at (773) 834-9657