Demet Araç-Ozkan
Associate Professor
Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity, Translational and Clinical

Issam Awad
John Harper Seeley Professor of Neurological Sciences
Director, Neurovascular Surgery
Director, Neurovascular Surgery
Department: Surgery, Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Translational and Clinical

Edward Awh
Chair, Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Program
Chair, Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Program
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits

Wilma Bainbridge
Assistant Professor
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior

Akram Bakkour
Assistant Professor
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior

Marc Berman
Chair, Dept of Psychology
Chair, Dept of Psychology
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior

Emma Brett
Assistant Professor
Department: Psychiatry
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Translational and Clinical

Robert Carrillo
Associate Professor
Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Basic Science
Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Basic Science
Department: Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity, Systems and Circuits

Satish Chitneni
Associate Professor
Department: Radiology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Translational and Clinical

Erika Claud
Stephen Family Professor
Director, Neonatology Research
Director, Neonatology Research
Department: Pediatrics
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity

Marlene Cohen
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Computation and Theory

Harriet de Wit
Department: Psychiatry
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior

Jean Decety
Irving B. Harris Professor
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Development and Plasticity, Translational and Clinical, Systems and Circuits

Brent Doiron
Henrich Kluver Professor
Chair, Committee on Computational Neuroscience
Chair, Committee on Computational Neuroscience
Department: Neurobiology, Statistics
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits

Ruth Anne Eatock
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Systems and Circuits

Karen Echeverri
Associate Scientist
Department: Marine Biological Laboratory
Area(s) of Research:

Molly Erickson
Assistant Professor
Department: Psychiatry
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior

Joseph Fink
Associate Professor
Department: Psychiatry
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Translational and Clinical

Aaron Fox
Department: Pharmacological and Physiological Sciences
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Cellular and Molecular

David Freedman
Stahl Professor of Neurobiology
Chair, Dept of Neurobiology
Chair, Dept of Neurobiology
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits

David Gallo
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Translational and Clinical, Systems and Circuits

Alfredo Garcia
Associate Professor
Department: Medicine
Area(s) of Research: Development and Plasticity

Susan Goldin-Meadow
Bearsdley Ruml Professor
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior

Christopher M. Gomez
Albina Y. Surbis Professor
Department: Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Translational and Clinical

William Green
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity, Translational and Clinical

Stephanie Groman
Assistant Professor
Department: Anesthesiology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior

Melina Hale
William Rainey Harper Professor
Dean of the College
Dean of the College
Department: Organismal Biology & Anatomy
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Cellular and Molecular, Systems and Circuits

Christian Hansel
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity, Systems and Circuits

Nicholas Hatsopoulos
Department: Organismal Biology & Anatomy
Area(s) of Research: Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits

Cassandra Hayne
Assistant Professor
Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Translational and Clinical

Xin He
Associate Professor
Department: Human Genetics
Area(s) of Research: Computation and Theory, Translational and Clinical

Elizabeth Heckscher
Associate Professor
Department: Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity, Systems and Circuits

Seth Himelhoch
Lowell T. Coggeshall Professor
Chair, Dept of Psychiatry
Chair, Dept of Psychiatry
Department: Psychiatry
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior

Robert Ho
Department: Organismal Biology & Anatomy
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular

Jorge Jaramillo
Assistant Professor
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Computation and Theory

Narayanan "Bobby" Kasthuri
Associate Professor
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Computation and Theory, Development and Plasticity, Systems and Circuits

Matthew Kaufman
Assistant Professor
Department: Organismal Biology & Anatomy
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits

Leslie Kay
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits

Sarah Keedy
Associate Professor
Department: Psychiatry
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Translational and Clinical, Systems and Circuits

Kate Keenan
Department: Psychiatry
Area(s) of Research: Development and Plasticity

Andrea King
Department: Psychiatry
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior

Sarah King
Neubauer Family Assistant Professor
Department: Chemistry
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular

Richard Kraig
William D. Mabie Professor
Department: Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity, Translational and Clinical, Systems and Circuits

Paschalis Kratsios
Associate Professor
Co-Director of Center for Motor Neuron Disease
Co-Director of Center for Motor Neuron Disease
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Translational and Clinical

Yamuna Krishnan
Louis Block Professor
Department: Chemistry
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular

Yuan Chang Leong
Assistant Professor
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior

Susan Cohen Levine
Rebecca Anne Boylan Professor
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Development and Plasticity

Peter Littlewood
Chair, Dept of Physics
Chair, Dept of Physics
Department: Physics
Area(s) of Research: Systems and Circuits

Sarah London
Associate Professor
Chair, Integrative Neuroscience Program
Chair, Integrative Neuroscience Program
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Development and Plasticity, Systems and Circuits

Jason MacLean
Director of Undergraduate Studies in Neuroscience
Director of Undergraduate Studies in Neuroscience
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity, Systems and Circuits

Daniel Margoliash
Department: Organismal Biology & Anatomy
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Development and Plasticity, Systems and Circuits

Jeremy Marks
Associate Professor
Department: Pediatrics
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Translational and Clinical

Peggy Mason
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Systems and Circuits

James Mastrianni
Department: Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Translational and Clinical

John Maunsell
Albert D. Lasker Professor
Director, Neuroscience Institute
Director, Neuroscience Institute
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits

Daniel McGehee
Chair, Committee on Neurobiology
Chair, Committee on Neurobiology
Department: Anesthesiology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Cellular and Molecular, Systems and Circuits

Jennifer Morgan
Senior Scientist
Department: Marine Biological Laboratory
Area(s) of Research:

Deborah Nelson
Department: Pharmacological and Physiological Sciences
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity, Translational and Clinical

Ramon Nogueira
Assistant Professor
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Computation and Theory

Douglas Nordli
Department: Pediatrics
Area(s) of Research: Translational and Clinical

Greg Norman
Associate Professor
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Translational and Clinical, Systems and Circuits

Howard Nusbaum
Stella M. Rowley Professor
Director, Chicago Center for Practical Wisdom
Director, Chicago Center for Practical Wisdom
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Computation and Theory, Development and Plasticity, Systems and Circuits

Anne-Marie Oswald
Associate Professor
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits

Engin Ozkan
Associate Professor
Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity

Stephanie Palmer
Associate Professor
Department: Organismal Biology & Anatomy
Area(s) of Research: Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits

Eduardo Perozo
Lillian Eichelberger Cannon Professor
Director, Center for Mechanical Excitability
Director, Center for Mechanical Excitability
Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular

Nanduri Prabhakar
Harold Hines Jr. Professor
Department: Medicine
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Translational and Clinical, Systems and Circuits

Brian Prendergast
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Cellular and Molecular, Systems and Circuits

Victoria Prince
Department: Organismal Biology & Anatomy
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity

Clifton Ragsdale
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity, Systems and Circuits

Anthony Reder
Department: Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Translational and Clinical

Emily Rogalski
Rosalind Franklin PhD Professor of Neurology
Department: Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Translational and Clinical

Raymond Roos
Marjorie and Robert E. Straus Professor in Neurologic Science
Co-Director of Center for Motor Neuron Disease
Co-Director of Center for Motor Neuron Disease
Department: Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Translational and Clinical

Monica Rosenberg
Associate Professor
Chair, Cognition Program
Chair, Cognition Program
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior

Joshua Rosenthal
Senior Scientist
Department: Marine Biological Laboratory
Area(s) of Research:

Benoit Roux
Amgen Professor
Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Area(s) of Research: Computation and Theory

Federico Salas-Lucia
Assistant Professor
Department: Medicine
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity, Translational and Clinical

David Satzer
Assistant Professor
Department: Surgery
Area(s) of Research: Translational and Clinical

Eric Schwartz
Department: Pharmacological and Physiological Sciences
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular

Mark Sheffield
Associate Professor
Assoc. Director of Undergraduate Studies in Neuroscience
Assoc. Director of Undergraduate Studies in Neuroscience
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits

Murray Sherman
Maurice Goldblatt Professor
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Systems and Circuits

Steven Shevell
Eliakam Hastings Moore Professor
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Computation and Theory

James Siegler
Assistant Professor
Department: Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Translational and Clinical

Sangram Sisodia
Thomas A. Reynolds Sr. Family Professor
Department: Neurobiology, Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Translational and Clinical

Betty Soliven
Department: Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Translational and Clinical

Wei-Jen Tang
Department: Ben May Department
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular

Wim van Drongelen
Professor of Pediatrics-Neurology
Department: Pediatrics
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Computation and Theory, Translational and Clinical, Systems and Circuits

Edward Vogel
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Computation and Theory

Joel Voss
Department: Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Translational and Clinical

Peter Warnke
Department: Surgery
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Translational and Clinical, Systems and Circuits

Wei Wei
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits

Jennifer Wildes
Associate Professor
Department: Psychiatry
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Translational and Clinical

Ming Xu
Department: Anesthesiology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular

Jai Yu
Assistant Professor
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits

Rong Grace Zhai
Jack Miller Professor for the Study of Neurological Diseases
Vice Chair for Research
Vice Chair for Research
Department: Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Computation and Theory, Translational and Clinical

Xiaochang Zhang
Assistant Professor
Department: Human Genetics
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity, Translational and Clinical

Zhuzhu Zhang
Assistant Professor
Department: Human Genetics
Area(s) of Research: Computation and Theory, Development and Plasticity, Systems and Circuits