Demet Araç-Ozkan
Associate Professor
Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity, Translational and Clinical
Issam Awad
John Harper Seeley Professor of Neurological Sciences
Director, Neurovascular Surgery
Director, Neurovascular Surgery
Department: Surgery, Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Translational and Clinical
Edward Awh
Chair, Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Program
Chair, Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Program
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits
Wilma Bainbridge
Assistant Professor
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior
Akram Bakkour
Assistant Professor
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior
Marc Berman
Chair, Dept of Psychology
Chair, Dept of Psychology
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior
Robert Carrillo
Associate Professor
Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Basic Science
Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Basic Science
Department: Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity, Systems and Circuits
Satish Chitneni
Associate Professor
Department: Radiology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Translational and Clinical
Erika Claud
Stephen Family Professor
Director, Neonatology Research
Director, Neonatology Research
Department: Pediatrics
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity
Marlene Cohen
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Computation and Theory
Harriet de Wit
Department: Psychiatry
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior
Jean Decety
Irving B. Harris Professor
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Development and Plasticity, Translational and Clinical, Systems and Circuits
Brent Doiron
Henrich Kluver Professor
Chair, Committee on Computational Neuroscience
Chair, Committee on Computational Neuroscience
Department: Neurobiology, Statistics
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits
Ruth Anne Eatock
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Systems and Circuits
Karen Echeverri
Associate Scientist
Department: Marine Biological Laboratory
Area(s) of Research:
Molly Erickson
Assistant Professor
Department: Psychiatry
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior
Joseph Fink
Associate Professor
Department: Psychiatry
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Translational and Clinical
Aaron Fox
Department: Pharmacological and Physiological Sciences
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Cellular and Molecular
David Freedman
Stahl Professor of Neurobiology
Chair, Dept of Neurobiology
Chair, Dept of Neurobiology
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits
David Gallo
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Translational and Clinical, Systems and Circuits
Alfredo Garcia
Associate Professor
Department: Medicine
Area(s) of Research: Development and Plasticity
Susan Goldin-Meadow
Bearsdley Ruml Professor
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior
Christopher M. Gomez
Albina Y. Surbis Professor
Department: Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Translational and Clinical
William Green
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity, Translational and Clinical
Stephanie Groman
Assistant Professor
Department: Anesthesiology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior
Melina Hale
William Rainey Harper Professor
Dean of the College
Dean of the College
Department: Organismal Biology & Anatomy
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Cellular and Molecular, Systems and Circuits
Christian Hansel
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity, Systems and Circuits
Nicholas Hatsopoulos
Department: Organismal Biology & Anatomy
Area(s) of Research: Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits
Cassandra Hayne
Assistant Professor
Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Translational and Clinical
Xin He
Associate Professor
Department: Human Genetics
Area(s) of Research: Computation and Theory, Translational and Clinical
Elizabeth Heckscher
Associate Professor
Department: Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity, Systems and Circuits
Robert Ho
Department: Organismal Biology & Anatomy
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular
Jorge Jaramillo
Assistant Professor
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Computation and Theory
Narayanan "Bobby" Kasthuri
Associate Professor
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Computation and Theory, Development and Plasticity, Systems and Circuits
Matthew Kaufman
Assistant Professor
Department: Organismal Biology & Anatomy
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits
Leslie Kay
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits
Sarah Keedy
Associate Professor
Department: Psychiatry
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Translational and Clinical, Systems and Circuits
Kate Keenan
Department: Psychiatry
Area(s) of Research: Development and Plasticity
Andrea King
Department: Psychiatry
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior
Sarah King
Neubauer Family Assistant Professor
Department: Chemistry
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular
Richard Kraig
William D. Mabie Professor
Department: Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity, Translational and Clinical, Systems and Circuits
Paschalis Kratsios
Associate Professor
Co-Director of Center for Motor Neuron Disease
Co-Director of Center for Motor Neuron Disease
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Translational and Clinical
Yamuna Krishnan
Louis Block Professor
Department: Chemistry
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular
Yuan Chang Leong
Assistant Professor
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior
Susan Cohen Levine
Rebecca Anne Boylan Professor
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Development and Plasticity
Peter Littlewood
Chair, Dept of Physics
Chair, Dept of Physics
Department: Physics
Area(s) of Research: Systems and Circuits
Sarah London
Associate Professor
Chair, Integrative Neuroscience Program
Chair, Integrative Neuroscience Program
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Development and Plasticity, Systems and Circuits
Jason MacLean
Director of Undergraduate Studies in Neuroscience
Director of Undergraduate Studies in Neuroscience
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity, Systems and Circuits
Daniel Margoliash
Department: Organismal Biology & Anatomy
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Development and Plasticity, Systems and Circuits
Jeremy Marks
Associate Professor
Department: Pediatrics
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Translational and Clinical
Peggy Mason
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Systems and Circuits
James Mastrianni
Department: Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Translational and Clinical
John Maunsell
Albert D. Lasker Professor
Director, Neuroscience Institute
Director, Neuroscience Institute
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits
Daniel McGehee
Chair, Committee on Neurobiology
Chair, Committee on Neurobiology
Department: Anesthesiology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Cellular and Molecular, Systems and Circuits
Jennifer Morgan
Senior Scientist
Department: Marine Biological Laboratory
Area(s) of Research:
Deborah Nelson
Department: Pharmacological and Physiological Sciences
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity, Translational and Clinical
Ramon Nogueira
Assistant Professor
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Computation and Theory
Douglas Nordli
Department: Pediatrics
Area(s) of Research: Translational and Clinical
Greg Norman
Associate Professor
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Translational and Clinical, Systems and Circuits
Howard Nusbaum
Stella M. Rowley Professor
Director, Chicago Center for Practical Wisdom
Director, Chicago Center for Practical Wisdom
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Computation and Theory, Development and Plasticity, Systems and Circuits
Anne-Marie Oswald
Associate Professor
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits
Engin Ozkan
Associate Professor
Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity
Stephanie Palmer
Associate Professor
Department: Organismal Biology & Anatomy
Area(s) of Research: Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits
Eduardo Perozo
Lillian Eichelberger Cannon Professor
Director, Center for Mechanical Excitability
Director, Center for Mechanical Excitability
Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular
Nanduri Prabhakar
Harold Hines Jr. Professor
Department: Medicine
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Translational and Clinical, Systems and Circuits
Brian Prendergast
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Cellular and Molecular, Systems and Circuits
Victoria Prince
Department: Organismal Biology & Anatomy
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity
Clifton Ragsdale
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity, Systems and Circuits
Anthony Reder
Department: Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Translational and Clinical
Emily Rogalski
Rosalind Franklin PhD Professor of Neurology
Department: Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Translational and Clinical
Raymond Roos
Marjorie and Robert E. Straus Professor in Neurologic Science
Co-Director of Center for Motor Neuron Disease
Co-Director of Center for Motor Neuron Disease
Department: Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Translational and Clinical
Monica Rosenberg
Associate Professor
Chair, Cognition Program
Chair, Cognition Program
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior
Joshua Rosenthal
Senior Scientist
Department: Marine Biological Laboratory
Area(s) of Research:
Benoit Roux
Amgen Professor
Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Area(s) of Research: Computation and Theory
David Satzer
Assistant Professor
Department: Surgery
Area(s) of Research: Translational and Clinical
Eric Schwartz
Department: Pharmacological and Physiological Sciences
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular
Mark Sheffield
Associate Professor
Assoc. Director of Undergraduate Studies in Neuroscience
Assoc. Director of Undergraduate Studies in Neuroscience
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits
Murray Sherman
Maurice Goldblatt Professor
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Systems and Circuits
Steven Shevell
Eliakam Hastings Moore Professor
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Computation and Theory
James Siegler
Assistant Professor
Department: Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Translational and Clinical
Sangram Sisodia
Thomas A. Reynolds Sr. Family Professor
Department: Neurobiology, Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Translational and Clinical
Betty Soliven
Department: Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Translational and Clinical
Wei-Jen Tang
Department: Ben May Department
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular
Wim van Drongelen
Professor of Pediatrics-Neurology
Department: Pediatrics
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Computation and Theory, Translational and Clinical, Systems and Circuits
Edward Vogel
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Computation and Theory
Joel Voss
Department: Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Translational and Clinical
Peter Warnke
Department: Surgery
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Translational and Clinical, Systems and Circuits
Wei Wei
Department: Neurobiology
Area(s) of Research: Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits
Jennifer Wildes
Associate Professor
Department: Psychiatry
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Translational and Clinical
Ming Xu
Department: Anesthesiology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular
Jai Yu
Assistant Professor
Department: Psychology
Area(s) of Research: Cognition and Behavior, Computation and Theory, Systems and Circuits
Rong Grace Zhai
Jack Miller Professor for the Study of Neurological Diseases
Vice Chair for Research
Vice Chair for Research
Department: Neurology
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Computation and Theory, Translational and Clinical
Xiaochang Zhang
Assistant Professor
Department: Human Genetics
Area(s) of Research: Cellular and Molecular, Development and Plasticity, Translational and Clinical
Zhuzhu Zhang
Assistant Professor
Department: Human Genetics
Area(s) of Research: Computation and Theory, Development and Plasticity, Systems and Circuits