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Membership Committee
Molly Erickson
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
Wilma Bainbridge
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Zhuzhu Zhang
Assistant Professor of Human Genetics
Neuroscience Seminar Committee
Marlene Cohen
Professor of Neurobiology
Stephanie Dubbeld
Administrative Director, Neuroscience Institute
Administrative Director, Neuroscience Institute
Brittni Pratt
Administrative Coordinator
Elena Rizzo
Director of Graduate Education, Neuroscience and Medical Physics
Joel Voss
Professor of Neurology
Steering Committee
John Maunsell
Albert D. Lasker Distinguished Professor Director, Neuroscience Institute
Harriet de Wit
Professor of Psychiatry
Daniel McGehee
Professor of Anesthesia & Critical Care Chair, Committee on Neurobiology
David Freedman
Professor and Acting Chair, Department of Neurobiology
Leslie Kay
Professor of Psychology
Professor of Organismal Biology & Anatomy
Curriculum Committee
Robert Carrillo
Associate Professor of Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology, Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Basic Science
Marlene Cohen
Professor of Neurobiology
John Maunsell
Albert D. Lasker Distinguished Professor Director, Neuroscience Institute
Megan Mcnulty
Instructional Professor/Senior Advisor

Ex officio:

Brent Doiron
Henrich Kluver Professor of Neurobiology and Statistics Chair, Committee on Computational Neuroscience
Sarah London
Associate Professor of Psychology, Chair of Integrative Neuroscience Program
Jason MacLean
Professor of Neurobiology, Director of Undergraduate Studies in Neuroscience
Daniel McGehee
Professor of Anesthesia & Critical Care Chair, Committee on Neurobiology
Stephanie Dubbeld
Administrative Director, Neuroscience Institute
Elena Rizzo
Director of Graduate Education, Neuroscience and Medical Physics